New and Used Cars
Explore the vast model range of new and used cars by widely known manufacturers on our website.
Buying is easy as ABC MOTORS
Pre-Owned Vehicles & New Travel Trailers & Park Model RVs & New Zero-Turn Lawn Mowers
Fair prices with no big lot games, hidden fees or a pressured experience. We understand that your purchase is an important investment decision and we want to offer the most value with every sale. Just remember, "It's Easy as ABC in Buffalo, Missouri." Come experience the ABC Motors difference today!
Browse our Inventory
Whether you are looking for a new travel trailer, new Park Model RV, new zero-turn lawn mower or a low mileage pre-owned vehicle we have a great selection to pick from. Check out our full inventory or sort by category to narrow down selection.
Apply Online
Need Financing? No problem. Fill out our simple and easy online credit application to get pre-approved even before you step on the lot to look at the unit. Come by anytime to take a tour of the camper, test drive a zero turn mower or vehicle.
Drive Away Happy
Our mission is to make sure your buying experience is the best you have ever had. We encourage taking time to tour the place, and get a test drive or walk through whatever your interested in. We want to make sure you are comfortable with every buying decision and understand that ABC MOTORS is the best value out there.
Welcome to ABC MOTORS
"May all who Enter as Guests, Leave as Friends."
Whether you are shopping for your next travel trailer, a zero-turn lawn mower or your next vehicle, we truly appreciate the opportunity and are here for you when you need us. Please check out our full, up-to-date inventory of travel trailers, park model rvs, zero-turn lawn mowers and vehicles. If you need financing, we can help with our Financing Pre-Approval Application. Just fill out our simple and easy credit application and get answers on financing now.
Our mission is to provide you with a genuine and comfortable sales experience. Our knowledgeable staff will answer and assist with any buying decisions. We want to make sure you find the unit that meets your needs and fits your budget.
Used Vehicles: Choose from a wide selection of cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs to fit your lifestyle.
RVs: Explore our range of brand-new travel trailers and park model RVs, perfect for your next adventure.
Zero-Turn Mowers: Power through your lawn with our high-quality Bad Boy, Hustler, and Spartan mowers.
Park Model RV's: These make stunning lake homes or mother-in-law suites.
Our dedicated service and repair team is committed to keeping your vehicles and mowers running smoothly. We're proud to hire local talent and contribute to our community.
Come experience the ABC Motors difference today!

Read Our Reviews
Our goal is always 100% satisfaction. See what some of our previous customers had to say about their car buying experience!
Casey Kelley
I was at the DMV yesterday trying to get a new vehicle tagged that was purchased from a dealership in Kansas City. I didn’t know I had to have an id/od inspection and the dealership did not provide it to us. Kyra?? Maybe from abc motors was in the dmv as well and quickly spoke up that I could run down the road to their shop and get it done. ABC had me in and out super quick, all of the staff was super friendly, they even proactively aired my tires up for me since they were low with the cold weather. Definitely appreciate their quick and friendly work! Thank you!!
Casey Kelley
I was at the DMV yesterday trying to get a new vehicle tagged that was purchased from a dealership in Kansas City. I didn’t know I had to have an id/od inspection and the dealership did not provide it to us. Kyra?? Maybe from abc motors was in the dmv as well and quickly spoke up that I could run down the road to their shop and get it done. ABC had me in and out super quick, all of the staff was super friendly, they even proactively aired my tires up for me since they were low with the cold weather. Definitely appreciate their quick and friendly work! Thank you!!
adam shelangoski
These guys understand going the extra mile! We had a flat tire on our trailer right across from them at Casey's. We ran over to them real quick and without hesitation they helped us change out our tire, gave us their courtesy vehicle to go grab the replacement tire from another shop who had it in stock, and helped us get it all put back together. All without asking for a dime. In a day and age where customer service seems to be dead, these guys went above and beyond!
adam shelangoski
These guys understand going the extra mile! We had a flat tire on our trailer right across from them at Casey's. We ran over to them real quick and without hesitation they helped us change out our tire, gave us their courtesy vehicle to go grab the replacement tire from another shop who had it in stock, and helped us get it all put back together. All without asking for a dime. In a day and age where customer service seems to be dead, these guys went above and beyond!